
Steppin' Out Concert

Sunday night was a great night with the SSWH women and Susan Duffield!  We worshipped, relaxed, danced, cried and had a memorable time together.  We confirmed through Susan's song, "Wake Up As Deborah", that it's time to move into what God has for us.  What a great time line-dancin' to "Steppin' Out" too!  On Sunday the 23rd of November, the discussion of Soulful Study will focus on preparation for the holiday season.  Healthy eating, exercise and faith to create meaningful connections with family and friends.


Ginger said...

It was a good time with Susan on Sunday night. Thanks for getting her to come back! I'm looking forward to preparing for holidays. Why do family gatherings always mean lots of food?

See you Sunday night!

Anonymous said...

Love her and her CD's. I'm playing her Christmas CD right now as I gaze out the backyard looking at all that snow. We had 51 women at the concert!!! Don't forget to RSVP for the Christmas Gala Dec. 11 at 7pm.

Anonymous said...

I love you all and I so loved being with you last Sunday night! Thanks for your "dancin'" and your enthusiasm! We had fun, but I also pray that we all left feeling uplifted and embraced by our Lord! I'm praying for you!