
Judy Van Dyke, special guest for the March 2nd SSWH

What does being created in God’s image have to do with curling irons, hair color, and botox? Pastor Judy Van Dyke, former artistic director at Panopoulos Salons, gave us some helpful hair and beauty tips along the way as we explored what it meant to be made perfect in God’s eyes.


Finally - "Better" weather and a good time!

The pictures from SSWH speak for themselves! "Stop! In the name of love!"

Wow - those "Dutch Supremes" were a hit!


Bummer - the weather!

Unfortunately, we had to cancel the February 10th meeting - due to awful weather . We were back on track the next Sunday, February 17th, for the second session of SSWH.


On Protein - from Sandy

From Sandy VanStratt on the topic of protein:
According to the Food and Drug Administation guidelines, RDA for protein fits in the following formula:
You need .8 grams of protein per 2.2 pounds of your "ideal weight".
Just thought that you might be interested in one of my favorite websites, www.healthatoz.com . On that site, you can find your BMI (body mass index), and take a test to help determine your physical fitness. Additionally, this site gives you a nice analysis of your personal wellbeing based on the answers to questions given. I just love it and find it very, very easy to use.
You asked where I get my protein...well, I try the best I can to get it from eating good foods. Tuna, black beans, almonds...just to name a few. I'm not one to drink protein shakes. I like to eat toooo much!

Reflection for Lent

A Different Kind of Fasting
Fast from judging others… Feast on Christ dwelling in each
Fast from seeing differences…Feast on the Spirit in all life
Fast from apparent darkness... Feast on the reality of light
Fast from thoughts of illness…Feast on the healing power of God
Fast from words that pollute…Feast on phrases that support or confirm
Fast from discontent…Feast on gratitude
Fast from anger…Feast on patience
Fast from worry…Feast on trust in God’s Providence
Fast from complaining…Feast on appreciation
Fast from hostility…Feast on non-violence
Fast from bitterness…Feast on forgiveness
Fast from self-concern…Feast on compassion for others
Fast from discouragement…Feast on hope
Fast from lethargy…Feast on enthusiasm
Fast from idle gossip…Feast on prayerful silence
Fast from suspiciousness…Feast on Truthful Relationships
Fast from the shadows of injustice…Feast on the Son of Justice

(Taken from Western Seminary weekly bulletin, Feb. 6, 2008)


Pilates in action!

Our first "Soulful Study of Women's Health!" Bring on the Pilates! Actually, this is a full-body worship motion - Old Testament style!

Our first SSWH session!

My prayer for you is that you experience God's peace and wholeness this week.  We all pray that everyone slept well last night! Our first session was a huge success and we'll continue in the weeks to come, to keep growing and moving in the direction of spiritual and physical wholeness.  We'll have many more topics, speakers, and discussions to explore.  The Pilates class was lots of fun!  Be sure and bring towels or mats for future sessions.

Shalom, Dawn


A workshop for all women!

A special workshop, dealing with issues that women face today, began Sunday, Feb. 3rd at 5pm at Beechwood Church.  "God created you to be a whole person in body, soul, and spirit; and when one area of your life is neglected or stressed, the whole person suffers." (excerpt from "Total Heart Health For Women"/Young-Duncan-Leachman/Word Publishing)