
Singers of New Possibilities: Study notes for 10/26 lesson

Singers of New Possibilities:

Hannah (1 Sam. 2: 1-10)
Mary (Luke 1:46-55)
Miriam (Exodus 15) esp vs. 20-21
Deborah (Judges 5)

Common themes:

God is in control- God’s Providence
God’s victory over chaos
God’s reversals of grace
God’s transforming power on behalf of the powerless

For consideration and discussion:
What are modern day oppressors of women?


Tracy Belanger said...

Fear, It stops me in my tracks alot. This week I'm putting up a new boundry. To be led by the spirit, and step out.

kevin Hutchison said...

I am believing that we all should be lead by love,forgive one another and be mindful of where we came from,christ did!