
Happenings with Soulful Study

What does it mean to be a very wise woman? In the early culture of the Israelites? And today? Working from the story of Abigail, found in 1 Samuel 25, we gained insight into the life of a very resourceful woman. Abigail’s story is one of courage and action. She is another woman that was prepared to hear from God and save the lives of her family and community. In the language of Judges 5, she was very Awake.

October 19th , we looked at the life of Hannah. Hannah was a woman of faith and she touched God with her prayers. Her family was forever changed and so was the life of Israel. Hannah’s story is found in 1 Samuel 1 and 2.

After Soulful Study, we have been walking together around the church property. It is great exercise and fellowship as we talk about our lives and commit them to God.

“Give It Away Days” picked up steam for the weekend too. The barn was full of blessings that were given away to families in need.

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