
Soulful Study - This fall - 2008!

Hi Everybody,

It has been a long time since we met for Soulful Study. Hope the summer was great for you. Soulful Study for Women’s Health begins on this Sunday, September 28, from 5:00-6:00 in room 115 at Beechwood Church, Holland, MI. We had such a precious time of connection in the spring and I look forward to the ways the Holy Spirit will move in our group and lives this fall. The series this fall is from the Old Testament and deals with Faith and Family. Our first story is about Deborah found in Judges 4 and 5. Deborah is identified as a Mother of Israel and a national leader. Her story has many truths that apply to us as we build our faith and nurture our families. I hope you will come and join in the conversation with us as we explore family challenges and our faith in God. Part of each Soulful Study Session will highlight a exercise segment. This week I will be sharing on my weight lifting routine. Through out the weeks, many others from our group will demonstrate from their work out programs. This fall we will also have nutritional segments. If you have something you would like to share, please let me know. I’m looking forward to the time and fellowship with the women of Soulful Study. At 6:00 pm, there will be a prayer and fellowship walk around Beechwood Property. It is a 45 minute walk for exercise, to invigorate your soul and enjoy connection with your sisters.